Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Catch up

I very quick and short catch up to be followed I hope by many more posts.  I now have 3 kids, my 3rd little boy was born in February so he is now 4 weeks old.  Let's get the count right....I now have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 4 week old.  Wow, how did that happen.  The youngest 2 now have birthdays that are 2 days apart.  I'm sure I've traumatized them and they will hate me forever for having them so close together.  Somehow they will survive only I'm sure to tell their therapists later in life how I couldn't be bothered to plan their birthdays better.  I mean a mother gets blamed for everything right?

So I'm back to sleepless nights and a messy house that no one tries to help me clean.  Spit up and explosive diapers, crying for no reason (both the baby and me) and wondering how my life is ever going to be normal again.  Of course I know it will be normal again (well maybe not normal but my version anyway) but in the moment it really doesn't feel that way.  Anyone else out there listening and know how I feel?